Sunday, October 17, 2010

So Close.....the countdown begins!

We could never have gotten this far without all the people that have come forth to volunteer to help us build the best scrapbook store ever. We've pretty much had an open door policy as far as help was concerned at the store.  You show up, and we'll put you to work.  There always seems to be something to do.  We've had builders, electricians, plumbers, computer geeks, a few jack-of-all-trades (Bob, Mike, Eddie, to name a few), and so many more.  We've had many "helpers" doing random things like painting, cleaning, assembly, and the list goes on and on.  This is probably our smallest helper, Matthew, putting all the American Craft markers in order.  Thanks Matthew, and everyone else that has been so wonderful...we owe you all and are forever grateful!  

Look at all these beautiful colors!  We've finally begun putting product up!    SO MUCH FUN!!

One last thing, if you are not a friend of ours on Facebook, join now and be sure to check it at noon on the 17th for a grand opening contest!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I was wondering if you will be hiring part timers at all? Us, paper crafters are always looking forward to joining the creative spectrum that will be starting soon at your new store! Let us know, thanks!

    Laura Rogers
    from West Allis
